Rafting Australia 

3794 Omeo Highway Eskdale Victoria

Welcome to Rafting Australia, their whitewater paddling addiction started in 1976, that is over 40 years ago.

How can such a passion last so long? Easy, Rafting Australia believe Victorian whitewater rivers rival the best New Zealand, Cairns and Canada offer and to make it even better they are set in pristine wilderness the equal of Tasmania.

Are you searching for a nature based pristine river experience, rapids, rock jumps, tranquil pools and lots of fun? Of course you are, that is why you are here and they can certainly help with that.


Guided Experiences - Options

Mitta Mitta River Gorge Adrenalin pumping world class white-water rafting, 60 rapids classed from two to four, including, Grave Yard, Dislocation, S bend, Waterfall and Gobler. Experience towering granite river gorges and the exquisite wilderness of the majestic Alpine National Park during your 19 kilometres rapid descent. Plummet between intricate rock formations and tackle the foaming fury of the Mitta Gorge on a one or two day double shot adventure, your adrenalin will hit overdrive. This is our most popular peak season river trip boasting over 100 five star trip advisor reviews. Rafting junkies return year after year to test their skills against Mother Nature’s moods. All tuition and preparation for this incredible journey are included on the morning of your trip by experienced guides to make sure you are thoroughly prepared for your rapid descent.

This river section provides the best summer rafting in Southern Australia with the longest grade four rapid commercially available in Victoria. With enormous volume of water being pumped out of Dartmouth dam to create a deep fast flowing river with big waves giving conditions similar to the rivers of New Zealand and Canada. You will tackle The Weir, Rollercoaster, Sharks tooth part one, two and three, Raft Eater and many more. Sharks Tooth being the most challenging rapid at 350 meters long with waves up to 2.5 meters high with a vertical drop of six meters. You will be on a whitewater high. Between rapids our guides will entertain and challenge you with fun water activities, the chance to take the plunge from a six or two meter cliff jump and swim in the pristine pools. All preparation for this fantastic summer journey are taught to you on the morning of your trip by experienced guides to make sure you are thoroughly prepared for your descent. River shuttles, equipment, guides and lunch are all catered for, just bring your sense of adventure for the great outdoors and come along on a trip not to be forgotten this summer.