Upper Murray, Fishing

The Upper Murray is an angler's paradise.

There are many ideal fishing spots along the river to put in your boat or kayak and either bait fish, fly fish or trawl. If you like a challenge, the pristine creeks of the Upper Murray offer some prime wild trout fishing.

Upper Murray, Fishing


  • Burrowye Creek
  • Corryong Creek
  • Cudgewa Creek
  • Koetong Creek
  • Khancoban Dam
  • Murray River
  • Nariel Creek
  • Thowgla Creek
  • Tooma Dam
  • Walwa Creek


The following freshwater native species that can be found in the Upper Murray region;

  • Murray Cod -protected species
  • Trout Cod - protected species
  • Australian Smelt
  • Blackfish
  • Flathead galaxias
  • Mountain galaxias
  • Southern pygmy perch

The following introduced species that can also be found;

  • Brown Trout
  • Rainbow Trout
  • Redfin

It is important to note that the Murray Cod and Trout Cod are protected in this basin. Trout Cod were stocked into Koetong Creek and are known to have survived for several years after stocking ceased in 1991 and 1992. The current status is uncertain. The Murray River upstream of Lake Hume is being stocked with Trout Cod by NSW and fish could move into rivers in this basin. It is believed that the climbing galaxias entered the northern catchments via the Snowy River Scheme as they are native to the coastal catchments.

Upper Murray, Fishing

Victorian Fishing Licences

A Recreational Fishing Licence is required to fish in Victoria, whether it be in marine, estuarine and inland waters. Unless you are exempt, a recreational fishing licence is required when taking or attempting to take any species of fish by any method including line fishing, bait collection, gathering shellfish, yabby fishing, prawning and spear fishing. If you are under 18 years of age or 70 years of age and over or you are a holder of a valid specific seniors or pensioner card, then you are exempt from needing a licence to fish in Victoria. If you are not someone from the exempt list and you are fishing without a licence, fishery officers will be on patrol and if you are caught, penalties will apply.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you hold a current fishing licence when fishing in Victoria. You may not loan or transfer your licence to another person. Your Victorian Recreational Fishing Licence is not valid in other states. To obtain a licence or find out more about Victorian fishing licences please click here.

If you are fishing in the Murray River then New South Wales regulations apply. A New South Wales fishing licence is required for anglers fishing in the Murray River even if the angler is standing on the Victorian bank. Click here to find out more about New South Wales fishing licences.

Upper Murray, Fishing

Fishing Season

Some fish can only be caught during certain times of the year. Fish may not be caught outside of the specific open seasons. Anglers must not take or possess these fish during the closed season periods:

Trout and Salmon (In the rivers and streams)

Open Season: early September to the end of June long weekend (Victoria)

Open Season: start of the October long weekend to end of June long weekend (NSW)

Murray Cod and Trout Cod

Closed Season: September - November inclusive. (NSW & VIC)

Know the Law Before You Leave The Shore

In  Australia, lifejacket laws differ from state to state. Lifejacket laws are actively enforced by marine authorities. Penalties apply if occupants are not wearing lifejackets when they are required to do so.

For more information on lifejacket laws in Victoria please click here.

For more information on lifejacket laws in New South Wales please click here.

Know Your Limits

Before you head out fishing make sure you are aware of all of the fishing rules and regulations for the state that are you fishing in. Ensure that you are aware of all of the bag and possession limits and the size limits.

For all up-to-date Victorian fishing information please click here.

For all up-to-date New South Wales fishing information please click here.

Upper Murray, Fishing


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