Community Groups


Corryong Blind Auxillary
Lois Jephcott
02 6076 1266

Corryong Book Club
02 6076 1639

Corryong Diabetes Support
Irene Cummiskey
02 6076 1125

Corryong Health Auxillary
Sandra Benton
02 6076 1182

Corryong Historic
Machinery Club
Bruce Tregilgas
02 6076 1536

Corryong Men’s Shed
Ray Waters
0418 892 520

Keith Honey
0418 303 670

Corryong Ladies Dinner
Group CNC
02 6076 2176

Corryong Lions Club
Don McKenzie
02 6076 1550

Corryong Probus Club
Keith Honey
0418 303 670

Corryong Ratepayers
Lois Jephcott
02 6076 1268

Corryong Red Cross
Jan Craig
02 6076 1420

Corryong Rotary Club
Martin Dorman
02 6076 2244

Corryong RSL
Ray Waters
0418 892 520

Cudgewa CWA
Coby Thompson
02 6076 1259

Jingellic Tangled
Threads Craft Group
Kerrie Thompson
0408 696 384

Top of the Murray Poets,
Bush Storytellers & Music
Jan Lewis
02 6077 4332

Tintaldra CWA
Jan McManus
02 6076 1310

Tumbarumba Men’s Shed
02 6948 2230

Tumbarumba Lions Club
02 6948 2818

Tumbarumba Rotary Club

Upper Murray Historical Society
Stewart Ross
02 6076 1363

Walwa Book Club
Dee Baker
02 6037 1340

Walwa Jingellic Lions Club
David Hanna
02 6037 1343

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